That scene didn't work out well for the soon-to-be deceased. And eventually, everything dies. When GeoCities died it took with it Michael's Tarot Notebook, my old website.
Tarot is a Triumph of Death, so it seems appropriate to let the dead rest in peace.
The Riddle of Tarot was the main page of my site, outlining the meaning of Tarot is some detail, and I'd always hoped that something better would be written in its place. So far, that hasn't happened. No one else has attempted to build on the foundations laid by Moakley and Dummett.
However, the Triumph of Death genre of pre-Modern Christian art was not only a triumph of Death but also a triumph over Death. And some old Web pages still live in the Limbo world of the Internet Archive. You can contact that world through the Wayback Machine, and find wraiths of the deceased pages. Given the general absence of sober alternatives to recycled New Age theories and empty-headed free association, it seems worthwhile to post a link to a couple old "not quite dead yet" files.
The Riddle of Tarot (archived 9/19/2004)
The Riddle of Tarot (archived 12/23/2007)
The Middle Trumps (archived 8/23/2005)
Happy All Souls Day!